Monday, March 14, 2011

Shaking things up...

Talk about a failed experiment.

I thought it would be fun to start a blog highlighting different classic rock songs each day. And while I do love classic rock, I grew bored of randomly picking one song and trying to stick to a cohesive theme day in and day out. That only took three weeks.

Let's hope this next one has a longer life span.

And it should -- because it will give me an excuse to drink beer. Not that one is needed.

Before you get any false impressions, dear reader, let me be very clear. I'm not an alcoholic. Far from it, in fact. I don't have the tolerance of my college days, but I do enjoy a good brew every now and again.

Yeah, I'm a beer snob. Miller or Coors? No thanks, I'll take an ice tea or a glass of wine. (It's important to have standards.)

So, what's on tap? (Yeah, that was a pathetic line). Hopefully, I'll offer periodic reviews of some eclectic cold ones that I have recently sampled with the intent of spreading some beer love.

First, a few housekeeping items to set the stage for my mission ahead. I tend to favor darker beers and largely shy away from IPAs. But I do like to mix it up every now and again, and I hope the following reflects that.

Favorite domestic beer: Ellie's Brown Ale (Avery Brewing Company)
Favorite import: Chimay Red Ale (Belgium)
Favorite standby: Yuengling (Hey, I grew up in Pennsylvania)

So, there you have it. A primer for what I hope will be a fun journey down the suds highway. As Ben Franklin put it best, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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